Shazam is an application software, Using the microphone on the device and a brief sample played, Shazam can identify music, movies, advertisements, and television shows. You can download it through the play store app. You can use Shazam to identify the recorded music you hear on your device, in a store, on the radio, or anywhere else you listen.
How to download shazam on Android?
  1. To install the shazam on your Android, go to the play store.
  2. On the search bar, search for shazam.
  3. Once you find the icon click on it.
  4. Then tap for install.
  5. After installing, click on open.
  6. Then the shazam app is installed.
How to download shazam on iOS?
  1. Open the Apps store on the device.
  2. Now tap on the search bar.
  3. Enter shazam in the search engine.
  4. Click on the Get button for installation.
  5. You can start using the Shazam app.

Once installed, you get a long press to Auto Shazam. Open the shazam app, long-press the prominent symbol S. Then play the video. Return to the shazam to identify the music while “My Music” appears on the iPhone. Or Library in Android.

  1. Then auto shazam is on.
  2. Tap the shazam logo again to turn off the auto shazam.

In another method, you can add shazam to the control centre.

  1. Open your iPhone setting.
  2. Scroll down and tap for the control centre.
  3. Tap + after music recognition.

Permissions of SHAZAM app in mobile:

In-app purchases:

The shazam application allows users to make in-app purchases.

Device and app history:

The historical backdrop of the web bookmarks is needed to get to the data concerning the running applications on the cell phone.

Cellular data settings:

The Shazam application interfaces with the web association with the cell information and the wi-fi association.


The microphone permissions permit recording audio while using the application.

Bluetooth connection information:

The Bluetooth connection information is required to access the information regarding nearby Bluetooth devices.


Shazam can take a picture and scan the code by providing access to the camera.